END Development is on Hold.

Evil Never Dies was originally going to be released a few years ago but that never happened. The game had way too many issues in it and despite having a lot of potential it fell behind and was mainly intended for learning purposes in early game design stages.

Additionally, to add to the problems the game was poorly created and set aside in favor of a bigger AAA project that has been in development. This result came to be due to expanded learning and improvement along with delays that hindered it due to several lawsuits against other games similar to such that didn't have legitimate content rights so it never happened for that reason. 

There is still the possibility that END could continue at some point which will likely end up taking a different path away from Evil Dead though somewhat similar on its own take in the future though this is not guaranteed unfortunately for which we do apologize if this news is unsettling but for right now it is on Hold/Paused and may likely resume after Battleforte is released.